Have you ever imagined how the world would be if every human kept to his/her self, not caring about the people around him/her in the slightest bit, not even moved to act when he/she notices that the next person is in need for help or is suffering from any kind of hardship? I'm very sure the world would have become non-existent because we would have destroyed each other in annoyance.
So if we can't exist without each other, what does it cost a man to perform an act of kindness? I get vexed, when i see people that have it all surrounded by people in dire need for help but are not willing to render them help. Truth is you don't need to have it all to be kind to others. Kindness can be shared among us in various ways:- by giving a listening ear to a person in problems, you have lifted a considerable burden from the person's heart, a single word of encouragement might be all some people need to steer them in the right direction. You may not have the ability to help a person but you may know someone who does. If you truly have what it takes to help others, then don't hold back, give and you would be surprised how all you do will come back to you.
The best act of kindness is giving without expecting something in return, that way when you die, the world will constantly miss your kind because it knows it has lost a rare gem.
....Ayo Babatunde
nice article.i totally agree wiv u.,bt com to tink of it,wot wld d world b like if evrybody is rich,or mayb kind? olowo